There are a few things a yogi should understand here. What is important is his attitude. As much as he can he should try to be mindful and he should be happy with the fact that he is trying. For he cannot expect perfection, at least not until he is an arahant. Only an arahant can be mindful all the time.
有幾件事提醒瑜珈練習者.最重要的是他的態度.他應該盡所能的全心全意的,專注且真正開心於嘗試.雖然在尚未成為阿羅漢之前,我們是無法期待完美的.只有阿羅漢可以隨時隨地達到全神貫注境界.~U Pandita 烏巴慶尊者(Sati and the Yogi,Page 1.)
有幾件事提醒瑜珈練習者.最重要的是他的態度.他應該盡所能的全心全意的,專注且真正開心於嘗試.雖然在尚未成為阿羅漢之前,我們是無法期待完美的.只有阿羅漢可以隨時隨地達到全神貫注境界.~U Pandita 烏巴慶尊者(Sati and the Yogi,Page 1.)
Chapter One The Culture of the Buddha佛教文化
The Buddha’s dispensation is the instructions given by him for self-development in thought, speech and bodily action. It could perhaps be more appropriately rendered as the Buddha’s culture or refinement. To be truly cultured or civilized requires the ability to restrain oneself from all harmful actions directed towards living beings through the three doors of mind, mouth and body.
To be able to restrain the mind requires the ability to differentiate wholesome from unwholesome actions, which is the cultivation of wisdom. If an action is harmful yet one still does it, then one is uncivilized. If an action is harmful but one restrains oneself from doing it, then one is civilised.
有能力控制心的人,必須培養辨別有益於心智的行為能力,也就是智慧的培養。若明知此行為是有害於他人但我們仍去做,這就是不文明的展現 ;一個有文化的人,便是懂得控制自己而不從事傷害他人的行為。
One should place onself in another person’s shoes when contemplating any harmful actions.The Buddha instructed that one has to put oneself in the position of a mother of other beings to understand them. Expressed poetically we should then say the teaching lies in the heart.
在從事有可能傷害他人行為同時應站在對方立場為他人著想。佛陀教誨我們以母親的同理心看待及體諒眾生。較有詩意的說法則是佛陀的教導乃是心法。 (以上英翻中為本人所翻,摘自屋巴慶尊者所著The Way to the happiness of Peace一書)