Saturday, 19 February 2011

Ganga Ghat

I woken up in a midnight by the sound made by the wind and the fighting incident from my neighbor in DC.
Fighting sound echoed in the air at the quiet night.
Recalled nights in Munger, Bihar, India, my Ashram memory, couple fighting sound, animal sound(especially the cows, sheep and dogs) and murmur sound from the village opposite bank of the ganga.
We were locked in a building at night away from the city gangster and people for the safety purpose. We were so safe to stay in Ashram, a place close to our guru and the god.
We were only allowed to leave the Ashram two hours in three months.
People pray, salute, shower, die and chant for the mother ganga.
Ganga can be a symbol of the beliefs and everything for people in India.
Ganga can be transfered and interpreted into different forms following our mind.
It can be money, love, power, hatred, god, feelings, guru talk, touch, vision and everything.
Bathing and chanting in the ganga close us to ourself, the unknown and the god.
Sound of the Ganga~
Hari Om!

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

What's your card in your hand?

Hari Om
I used to have a dream to be a Chinese Herbal Doctor.
I tried little bit for past few years and I still want to continue devoting myself and fulfill my dream of helping people.
I love Yoga, Tai-chi, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Buddhist.
By practicing and teaching Yoga and Taichi, I can improve people's health.
By serving as a Chinese Herbal doctor, I can save people's life.
By learning Buddhist, It's the "mind" medicine for the people whose disease comes from it's heart. So, maybe I can ease and soften people's mind.

I always know that I am a lucky person who have opportunities and chances to know all great master.
What I really need to do is focus, focus and focus.
What kinds of contribution I can bring to the world?
1.5 meals a day, a small room, a hard tatami bed, a small table and a simple life is what I used to have.
I know myself well but it's hard for me to be brave to see who am I.

So, Shall we move on our life with enlightened spirit?
We shall not complain about the present, past and the future. Cause our history is in our hand. We're the person who write the history and we have to take full responsible for it!

Tell me about your dream and what do you want to bring to the society and the world.
Actually, this are reasons why I respect and look up you!
I have long ways to go.

Hari Om Tat Sat!
P.s. How do you think about the game theory and the life!
Are we all in the same game or we both playing each role in different games and happen to exchange our card once in a life time?

Tuesday, 15 February 2011


祝天下所有朋友平安吉祥如意 健康幸福美滿 快樂快樂快樂喔
12是個幸運數字 一打啤酒; 12倍數之一甲子; 生死輪迴好比春夏秋冬與生老病死

以下是從很多長輩口中提到的建議 博君ㄧ笑
占星老師說: 你的桃花運不斷 ㄧ個比一個精彩 好的都在後面 快快一個一個換吧 這個不走 好的又怎麼會來呢?
算命師父說: 你怎麼都是ㄧ堆爛桃花呢 果子從樹上掉下來 好的都給人家先撿走了 你怎麼都撿地上爛掉的呢? 先改個姓名與出生年月日吧
媽媽說: 天上的月亮 你怎麼想要摘呢?
萬得福說: 有因也好 有緣也好 最好是無因無緣
詹三說: 世間有三種財 財富,健康財與法財 你想要哪一種?
爸爸說: 我已經答應你出家了 我不會阻擾你的 也許當初你應該去念佛學外交官的
老莊說: "爭"來的包子不香
只好 面對他 不理他 放下他

Sunday, 13 February 2011


Every 7 seconds one comes to the world; every 12 seconds one leaves the world.
Every second we have 52 kinds more emotion that we don't even realize.
Every moment is about living, death and reborn.
In the dream we can fly to everywhere and reach our lover within a second.
Birth, old, ill and death are the intrinsic of the nature.
Nothing can away from it.
Wish we all have a soft and tender heart to take care of ourselves and beings.
p.s. Pray for Mellon for return to the world.