Hari OM!! 美麗的靈魂
在此引述我敬愛的老師Swami Niranjananda的話
“復活節不只是個紀念死亡的日子,也是復活的日子.耶穌死亡三天之後復活,代表著是基督和無條件的愛與和平. 這三天不應該只視為三天,亦代表了三個Gunas三種特性-Tamas(懶散/墮性);Rajas(自私/享受)以及Sattva(平等心與高等的特質)”.在這除了體會耶穌基督代給我們除去舊有的罪與感念基督受苦的同時,讓我們一起躺下,找一塊平坦的地方,以savasana大休息姿態一起感受:
感受你身體背面完全安穩躺在地板上,感受到身體前方與心正打開全宇宙,星星與神聖力量.切勿卷曲如嬰兒般懷有所有的畏懼與思想.發展所有的可能性,體會”我是誰”和傾聽來自內心的聲音與回答.耶穌基督是位瑜伽行者,菩薩,濕婆的化身,也代表著滿足,美麗,愛,濕婆,Rama,Krishna,佛陀,和神聖的母親.他的化身展現出人類本質的美與力量.也教導所有人們我們可以前進與努力的方向.我們都擁有能力聯結內在的本性,體會”我就是那,那美好的靈魂與神” 這信息是來自我們的內心.我們可以做到的就是安靜地聆聽且我們將會聽到.
所以在這美好的復活節,讓我們隨著耶穌基督的死亡,解放懷在心中已久,陳舊的感覺與思想你是美好的,具有耶穌意識的美好靈魂,也是來自神的禮物示現你的美好.長久以來我們所受的折磨,病苦,憎惡恨等等都隨之逍逝. 切勿在批評你自己.現在起,你已保有正向信念與力量在正道上前進. 困苦與問題都是我們的幸福,他們正告訴我們在正道上更進一步.讓我們放下所有的”好與壞”的陳見,讓我們視一切為機會,幫助自己成長與幫助身旁的每的人.
Om Shanti!
(以上訊息與祝福乃來自南非,shraddhamurti,已有30年以上瑜伽老師與治療師經驗,也是TenzinLahdon我在印度學校的室友 ,由Tenzin Lahdon翻譯)
Hari OM!! Beautiful Souls,
I send you a wish from my heart for ALL of you to have a Blessed Easter.
Here is my message:
I quote Swami Niranjanananda (beloved Guru):
Easter is a time not only of dying, but also of resurrection. Jesus the Man died and what
resurrected three days later was Christ and the Consciousness of Peace and Unconditional Love. The three days should not be seen as three days, but as the three Gunas of Tamas (inertia, laziness), Rajas (full ego involvement) and Sattva (simplicity and equanimity in action).”
So instead of experiencing those ‘old’ thoughts and feelings of ‘Jesus died for me on the Cross because I am a sinner’, and instead of ‘lazing away the weekend’ we go to the mat, lie down in Savasana and experience this:
Feel the back of your body safely supported by the ground and then experience the front of the
body (heart) opened up to the Universe, the stars and the Divine. No more rolled up into the foetus position of old fears, thoughts, etc., but opened up to new possibilities…..opening up to ‘who am I really?’ and listening deep inside the heart for answers. Jesus was Yogi….ultimate Bodhisattva….incarnation of Vishnu….that which organizes, sustains, beautifies, loves. Vishnu, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, the Mother….Avatars who came to show us the beauty and strength of the human spirit. Teaching all of us that what one human can achieve, another human can…we are all the same…all interconnected…..teaching us the meaning of ‘I am That’. This message lives on inside our hearts….all we have to do is just be quiet and listen and we WILL hear.
So during this Easter, let’s release those old feelings and thoughts of fear and dread that Jesus died because I am a sinner. You are beautiful and the Christ Consciousness is the Gift to show you just that. All of us have suffered through illness, heartache, death, etc. Do not judge yourself because of that.Always walk in faith that you are experiencing exactly what you need for your journey that will take you closer to Spirit. Adversity and problems are your good fortune….they are the ones that quicken the process…..let’s detach from the dualities of ‘good and bad’…..let see everything as an opportunity to better ourselves and in that helping others around us.
Let’s remember the inner strength of Jesus the Man…..and then find that inner strength inside of ourselves too by Imbibing his Gift of Love.
Go in peace this Easter weekend, have lots of chocolate and hot cross buns, walk with love in your heart so that the Inner Light of Peace and Love shines through you. Be a good representative of the Gift of Christ and love, love and love some more….give, give and then give even more.
Know that you are loved.
Om Shanti,