We have to know that this is not the first time happened in human's history.
As long as one has unsatisfaction, hatred, greed, wants in mind, one will never feel secure, happy and self-fulfillment.
No one never can tell how the butterfly and leopard are if none of us are one of them.
Today we see people striving for life in different forms such as food, job, money, power, sex, smile, love, relationships, status and etc.
Regardless forms of searching, we can't see the basic truth and wisdom that our mother nature is teaching us all the time.
We are all the poor who is always wondering in life. And believe or not, there's never a ending.
It is easy to show our love by the way we thought which is proper such as hugging, kissing, donating money, having sex and making a phone call to our beloved one.
We can persuade ourself what we're doing now is something worthy to the society and the people by following all kinds of social standards, values, means, tools and theories.
We all believe that we are doing something which can help someone or something in grace.
And the truth is, we absolutely have no ideas about what we're doing and what kinds of soft heart we shall have.
We absolutely get lost and unaware of what a soft heart is and how it deeply connect to you, me and the world.
How long that you haven't given yourself a brake to stop searching and thinking something and someone.
No! No! No! and No!
I hear beautiful songs everywhere following wind throughout our skin, hair, body and heart.
I appreciate the tree, sky and our mother nature to show us the life and the way.
Let's pray for everyone in peace.
Focusing on your heart, mantra and breathing; remembering it's the connection between you and me.
Well, actually it doesn't matter......
Why not just smile and give yourself a break!
Stop here! and just say No!
Here are the songs for everyone today......