Happy Holiday and Happy New Year!
Today I have a very strange feeling, maybe is a very good feeling...
It reminds me stories of my friends now.....
Tenzin in India and Budan, Trekking, Yoga, praying and Traveling.
Father in Taipei, Resting and taking care of Jimmy and Lepord.
Kuan in Japan, dealing your own issues but in progress.
Alex in Indonesia, helping the tree and enviornment protection.
Thomas in Taipei, apparently better performance and business.
Henry in Spain, Being with family and friends.
Tomomi in Hawaii, eating, loving and praying.
Robert in New York, being and traveling with family.
Mam in Taipei, taking care of grand daughter.
Kenpu in Taipei, praying for everyone for sure.
Dalai Lama in India Dharamsara, parying for all beings.
Michael in USA, always in good shape and strong mind.
Jimmy in Taipei, happy playing and running with father and cat.
All buddhist sisters and brothers in Taipei, praying for everyone.
Host family in Baltimore, being with their family and enjoy romantic moment.
Andreas in NY and Taipei, suffering in ill health nowaday. I will pray for you...
I suddenly realize everyone is dealing the issue own its own. And I do pray for everyone.
How about me?
Except- eating, loving, praying and traveling. I am lost but it is okay.
I am happy that everyone maybe not in perfect condition, but all of you have strong and brave mind to face the life and suffering. I do happy for you all.
Meanwhile, just want to tell you that I care about you all.
May all beings live in peace and happiness.
I am going travel for days, this time is only for myself.
I think I am close to the life of renunciation soon...
I do have wishes and love from all of you in my mind. I put it in very safety place, right in my heart.
I hope I will safety home. But who knows...Life is full of surprise and adventures.
Have a nice holiday with your family and beloved one. Cheers!