Challenge oneself
Life is a journey to the unknown future. Some people said life is just like a dream.
Even we know that it's a dream and try to wake up, we're still in the dream.
We never know what we're doing and what do we want or what can we achieve in our life.
We want everything such as money, friendship, power, happiness, comfort and luck.
We may be happy, sad, excited, surprised, greedy on something.
Our heart is never settle down, it is always looking for something to let us feel better.
By shopping, eating, smoking, sleeping, dreaming and laughing, we can persuade ourself that I am feeling better now and I know who am I know.
I am not smart enough to know the true wisdom of life, but I try to enjoy every moment and live in it! Practice yoga like the last moment to practice before death; breathing slowly like I never have chance to breath; resting peacefully like we never will wake up tomorrow; talking friend sincerely like you won't have chance to see them anymore. Enjoy every moment, be quiet, listen to the sounds of nature and feel everything surround us. Having a stable mind and lovely heart to see the world and the people. Caring the poor and the sorrower because we are all the same, one of the human beings.
Challenging yourself and doing one thing you never tried or imagined before. Trying to help people by encourging, smiling and sharing. Let the sorrow and uncertain things be, let go everything and resolve yourself to the nature.
Swamiji Niranjananda used to say :"life is a journey, everyone is waiting in the train station and waiting for different trains". When it's the stop you shall get off, you have no choice for choosing what you want. Finally we all need to face our journey alone and go for it. Are you ready for it? Are we still in dream? Where are we now?