Friday, 22 July 2011

Face it, Let it go and Accept it

Dear BYB brothers and sisiters,

I found this pix where we took in Ashram in year 2006-7 in Munger, Bihar, India.
Something big happends on me today and I know I won't be able to back to the zero this time.
It reminds me an advice by Master Sheng Yen- "Face it, Let it go and Accept it."
It's too hard for me and time will help.

Tenzin Lahdon

Monday, 4 July 2011



Yesterday "Chuen Chuen" (CC) taught me many things.

CC was an one half year old kid. She suffered from parent's divorce and sorrow living enviornment.

CC used to tell her grandmam that " CC's mother was crying.

CC as a one half year old girl, she doesn't know much about the world but she loves this world.

I spent 4 hours yesterday, shared my love and talked with her.

CC was happy enough to see the fountain and squirrel in the park.

Siting next to her grandmam and me and having an apple on her hands was the best thing in the world for her.

CC always gave others whatever she had first before she took herself.

I had tears in my eyes while I was having lunch today. The food was nice and it remined me the time without hot water and food.

Thank you CC and thank you for the suffereing in life.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011


(Uncle Antonio and his lovely wife in Japan)

If we can't live freely and unstrained, bad karma will embroil our mind naturally.
The life lack of freedom, peace and carefree is similar to the hell and bardo.(*)
If you and I are driven by good karma force, it will be the best one in the world like uncle Antonio and his lovely wife who cherish each other in life.
If you and I are driven by bad karma force, maybe we should both get rid of each other in our life time.
Relax your mind and live a peaceful, carefree, unstrained and independent life(Nirvana).
(These are reflection from transcribing Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra tonight)

* Bardo=intermediate state=refers to the state of existence intermediate between two lives on earth.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

To Leave or To Stay or To Love

Today is the day to back to my country-Taipei.
I had a cup of americano in my famorite DC cafe shop-Dolcezza for you and for me.
The coffee maker said: "A good coffee is the best to start a good day!"
I did enjoy the best coffee today. I hope you too!

Neuhaus is a great Belgium Chocolate shop, I bought boxes of chocolate from the 6x years old manager who said his wife is the best girl in the world. It was such a joy and sweet to see couples who love and cherish each other in life.

Dear my friend, I just wanna tell you that you're the best in the world!!!
Every moment is a great moment, in every moment numerous lives and emotion were born and passed....
Let's celebrate about the body still works, the mind still agile, the bank account still works and the beloved one who loves or will love us in our lifetime.

Love, Tenzin Lahdon

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Walking in the rain and dancing in the dark

We all constantly face the moment like walking in the rain, dancing in the dark or struggling in life. Difficulty comes itself, it's hard for us to face challenges in life especially when we are trying to live as the way we expected.
The more we earn for, the more upset we have.
To be or not to be, that's the question.

Life is like a dream. My dream is filled with desire, greed, power, money, sex, love, anger, ignorance, ego, infatuation and more dreams. Sometimes it mixed with sweet, sour, sad and desperation.

Our live is so precious, short and fragile. We shall cherish our time and life, use it on worthy thing and people. After all, I wish I can bring little contribution and love to the world.

Let go the sorrow and upset and stop grabbing the dreams. There's no such things like sorrow, happiness and feelings.

I cherish my body, this body enables me to live, touch, taste, feel, breath, think and love. Thanks god for allowing me to have a healthy body(house) and balance mind to live because of your mercy and tolerance.

If I can adjust my mental models, I can have a strong mind and walk through the dreams. Love is around the corner if you could open your heart, let it be and give up everything.

Here are the songs for you:

Friday, 18 March 2011

"Four-leaf Clover"

Three-leaf Clover represents "Love, Faith and Hope"
It's rare to see the four-leaf clover, representing Love, Faith, Hope and "Luck".
Today I would hope everyone has the four-leaf clover in your life.
Come toward it when it doesn't come for you.

Four seasons, come and go;
people, meets and disappears;
Lives, born and die;
Feelings, happy and sad;
Breathing, hot and cold, fast and slow;
We rely on the breathing, heart beating and body system to sustain our life.
When the big moment comes, everything will come to the end.

Is " the mother of the winter" sad about knowing her child's life towards death day by day?
She has endless love regardless what happens and will happen in life because she has love, faith and hope.
Only by passing through the death and suffering, reborn and birth will proceed.
My dear,
When the moment comes toward either of us, we shall celebrate and sustain our love and wishes to each other with no fear.

You've been a warrior of the Shambahla and there shall no fear in you.

*Songs for today
1. Torn
2.Here with me
3. Here without you
3+1. Mad World

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


搜尋文章之餘 找到了傳承如意寶珠晉美彭措仁波切弟子回意上師的文章與影片
本人深自反省與悔恨 所學的都白費了
今日狼狽的我 無言以對 無止境懺悔之淚水無法停住


若您有空 也一起看一下這段影片吧 感謝上師 更感謝所有眾生

仁波切以前講法的時候 懷裡都會抱著這隻狗

Saturday, 12 March 2011


New movie update-Beastly.
Although it's an old fashion story, like cinderella, the English actor Alex Pettyfer is very appealing and charming.

Here is the trailer for you:

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Positive Donkey

I would like to share the story about the positive donkey to all of you.
Enjoy it!

ButterflyEffect-Everything Matters

Do you believe everything matters!
The Butterfly Effect means a small change at one place in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere.
If we understand that we're all living in a complex dynamic system, everything we make and thought all matter. Even we don't wanna make any difference toward others or the world, fortunately or unfortunately, everything is connected under this dynamic system.

Do you believe your breath and thought can eventually change the world?
If a butterfly can change the world, we, as great divine human beings, of course we can bring difference to the world.
Let's take care of our body and mind and pray for all beings.

I would love to offer this song to all of you, the superman in the world.
Of course, especially to you, my superman!
Tenzin Lahdon

Friday, 4 March 2011

Strive for life

When we are facing rising of food price, mortality rate and poverty in the world.
We have to know that this is not the first time happened in human's history.
As long as one has unsatisfaction, hatred, greed, wants in mind, one will never feel secure, happy and self-fulfillment.
No one never can tell how the butterfly and leopard are if none of us are one of them.
Today we see people striving for life in different forms such as food, job, money, power, sex, smile, love, relationships, status and etc.
Regardless forms of searching, we can't see the basic truth and wisdom that our mother nature is teaching us all the time.
We are all the poor who is always wondering in life. And believe or not, there's never a ending.

It is easy to show our love by the way we thought which is proper such as hugging, kissing, donating money, having sex and making a phone call to our beloved one.
We can persuade ourself what we're doing now is something worthy to the society and the people by following all kinds of social standards, values, means, tools and theories.
We all believe that we are doing something which can help someone or something in grace.
And the truth is, we absolutely have no ideas about what we're doing and what kinds of soft heart we shall have.
We absolutely get lost and unaware of what a soft heart is and how it deeply connect to you, me and the world.
How long that you haven't given yourself a brake to stop searching and thinking something and someone.
No! No! No! and No!

I hear beautiful songs everywhere following wind throughout our skin, hair, body and heart.
I appreciate the tree, sky and our mother nature to show us the life and the way.
Let's pray for everyone in peace.

Focusing on your heart, mantra and breathing; remembering it's the connection between you and me.
Well, actually it doesn't matter......
Why not just smile and give yourself a break!
Stop here! and just say No!

Wednesday, 23 February 2011


Today I am not in a good mood.
And suddenly I realize life is too short for me to be sad or regret on anything.
There are so many things I can do and celebrate with or without you or me.
Time flies and actually who cares?!
I don't even know will I wake up tomorrow...
Life is "anicha", the uncertainty itself.
What i can focus is only my breathing and mind.
What a shame on me that while all beings are suffering and I only focus and pity on myself.
May all beings away from sorrow and panic.

Happy but not too happy.
Sad but not too sad.
Continuing have the soft mind to take care of each thoughts and incidents in life.
Let it come and let it go like an air. The flow comes and goes and never stays.
Sky is the blue itself so as deer is the lovely itself regardless no one cares or loves.
Life goes on and it's the essence of the life.

Smile and take care!
Take a deep and slow breathing, it connects us to the heaven and hell, good and bad, you and me and our true nature and the god.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Ganga Ghat

I woken up in a midnight by the sound made by the wind and the fighting incident from my neighbor in DC.
Fighting sound echoed in the air at the quiet night.
Recalled nights in Munger, Bihar, India, my Ashram memory, couple fighting sound, animal sound(especially the cows, sheep and dogs) and murmur sound from the village opposite bank of the ganga.
We were locked in a building at night away from the city gangster and people for the safety purpose. We were so safe to stay in Ashram, a place close to our guru and the god.
We were only allowed to leave the Ashram two hours in three months.
People pray, salute, shower, die and chant for the mother ganga.
Ganga can be a symbol of the beliefs and everything for people in India.
Ganga can be transfered and interpreted into different forms following our mind.
It can be money, love, power, hatred, god, feelings, guru talk, touch, vision and everything.
Bathing and chanting in the ganga close us to ourself, the unknown and the god.
Sound of the Ganga~
Hari Om!

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

What's your card in your hand?

Hari Om
I used to have a dream to be a Chinese Herbal Doctor.
I tried little bit for past few years and I still want to continue devoting myself and fulfill my dream of helping people.
I love Yoga, Tai-chi, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Buddhist.
By practicing and teaching Yoga and Taichi, I can improve people's health.
By serving as a Chinese Herbal doctor, I can save people's life.
By learning Buddhist, It's the "mind" medicine for the people whose disease comes from it's heart. So, maybe I can ease and soften people's mind.

I always know that I am a lucky person who have opportunities and chances to know all great master.
What I really need to do is focus, focus and focus.
What kinds of contribution I can bring to the world?
1.5 meals a day, a small room, a hard tatami bed, a small table and a simple life is what I used to have.
I know myself well but it's hard for me to be brave to see who am I.

So, Shall we move on our life with enlightened spirit?
We shall not complain about the present, past and the future. Cause our history is in our hand. We're the person who write the history and we have to take full responsible for it!

Tell me about your dream and what do you want to bring to the society and the world.
Actually, this are reasons why I respect and look up you!
I have long ways to go.

Hari Om Tat Sat!
P.s. How do you think about the game theory and the life!
Are we all in the same game or we both playing each role in different games and happen to exchange our card once in a life time?

Tuesday, 15 February 2011


祝天下所有朋友平安吉祥如意 健康幸福美滿 快樂快樂快樂喔
12是個幸運數字 一打啤酒; 12倍數之一甲子; 生死輪迴好比春夏秋冬與生老病死

以下是從很多長輩口中提到的建議 博君ㄧ笑
占星老師說: 你的桃花運不斷 ㄧ個比一個精彩 好的都在後面 快快一個一個換吧 這個不走 好的又怎麼會來呢?
算命師父說: 你怎麼都是ㄧ堆爛桃花呢 果子從樹上掉下來 好的都給人家先撿走了 你怎麼都撿地上爛掉的呢? 先改個姓名與出生年月日吧
媽媽說: 天上的月亮 你怎麼想要摘呢?
萬得福說: 有因也好 有緣也好 最好是無因無緣
詹三說: 世間有三種財 財富,健康財與法財 你想要哪一種?
爸爸說: 我已經答應你出家了 我不會阻擾你的 也許當初你應該去念佛學外交官的
老莊說: "爭"來的包子不香
只好 面對他 不理他 放下他

Sunday, 13 February 2011


Every 7 seconds one comes to the world; every 12 seconds one leaves the world.
Every second we have 52 kinds more emotion that we don't even realize.
Every moment is about living, death and reborn.
In the dream we can fly to everywhere and reach our lover within a second.
Birth, old, ill and death are the intrinsic of the nature.
Nothing can away from it.
Wish we all have a soft and tender heart to take care of ourselves and beings.
p.s. Pray for Mellon for return to the world.

Thursday, 10 February 2011


It's hard to face the truth that we all live in the illusion world.
We make up the stories for ourself.
We live in the illusion world we build up ourself.
We love the person we tend to believe we love and blind our mind.
We live the life we believe which is what we're looking for.
We value the world by our believe and believe it's the moral compass.
Everything we believe, live in are all about illusion.

It's like a dream, we can wake up in the dream and still doing the dream during sleeping.
And even we believe we're awake in the dream, we're still in the dream itself.
If we know after few hours sleeping, we'll wake up and what happened in the dream won't be necessary important anymore. And of course, no one will remember or care about it.
Like we only choose the believe, the faith and the stories we tend to believe and rather live in the illusion world we build.

So, wake up?!
You's just a dream!
What we believe is not that important anymore because there's what our mind made up for.
Believe me, we all feel better to live in our comfort zone and it doesn't matter!
I am sorry about everything!
But in the dream, it doesn't matter. It matters if we can wake up or not..and's the beginning of another dream.
Can you know one fact that everything we see, smell, touch, feel, think are the illusion?
You are not that you think you are! Stop foolish ourself anymore!
Wake up!
What you see is not what you see...what you believe is not what you believe....


Kiki from Hawaii.
Coco from Paris.
Fifi from Fuji.
Carman from Jameca.
Lulu from Toronto.
Luah from Kyoto.
Peter from Paris.
Tony from New Jersey.
Pecky from Hollywood.
Thanks to my friends who showed up! Let's meet in Hawaii.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Take a bow

This morning my eyes opened itself, my heart continued beating, the breath never stopped and I had no choice but moving on my day.

How are you? All my friends, may we all have a great and beautiful day. Sometimes what we expected didn't come easily unless we tried hard and fight for it~ Sometimes just let's do nothing and let it go!

Today I just want to tell you, be brave, be happy and be healthy!
Life still goes on with or without someone or something......
What we can do is just focus on our breathing, mind and ourself.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Hold my hand

Question of today:
When is the last time that you held your beloved's hand and gave them a warm hug?
Don't be selfish or shy to show your appreciation and love to your beloved before it's too late!

p.s. Thanks to the two models (Mai and Crystal in Edinburgh)

Friday, 4 February 2011

Love and Sweet

Happy Rabbit Year!
Today during the dinner table, people were sharing their love and made announcement for the new year.
Y said: He's the luckiest guy in the world. Because he married the one he love and his child will deliver soon after 5 weeks......

M announced: My wish is So simple. I wanna a man to love me and buy me a desert!
(sadly to say, she can't even find the man who buys her a desert and treat her fairly? And she is the most wonderful girl I have never seen in my life! Why man just don't want to treat her fairly and well...She just needs to leave the man who doesn't love her or who's just not that into her!)

M continued to say: Why man just wanna be "friend" instead of "girl friend and boy friend" relationship..well....N and everyone just said: know..he just not that into you!

N announced: ...At least he could give me a basket for the bike....(This is another story)

Then, C and Y continued to offer sweet to their gfs.
M was so sad...what she wants is only a man who can be with her, take care of her and a sweet desert...that's it.....

I have no words to say except wish all beings are happy and safe.
Thank you all my friends for being with me in the important moment in my life. There are tears on my both eyes......I am not sad, just kind of touching ......

How are you today, my friend?

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Happy New Year! Let's get together!

Dear All my friends:
Happy Rabbit Year 2011!
Hope everyone will have a great and peaceful year.
Be Happy! Be Healthy and Be positive!
Let's care about all beings and share our love!
Let's get together and share our love and happiness!

p.s. Question of today...
If you someone say to you: "Let's get together!" Does it mean you're just friends or lovers or boy friend and girl friend?

Sunday, 30 January 2011


Doing nothing is also doing something......
Say nothing is also saying something......
Still is the way it is......
When we wanna stop our life, life still goes on no matter with or without our participation.
You life will still continue with or without me, dear......Let's face it!
Our life will still goes on with or without someone or something......
So, why do we need something or someone in our life and endless look for it?
We are foolished by ignorance and grave.

Saturday, 29 January 2011


To my protection angel:
Hi,I would like to tell you something, no matter will I have chance to meet you in my life or not, you're always in my heart.
We never feel sad or angry about angels for never seeing or knowing them in our life time.
I shall never doubt my belief and faith on you.
So, please be my angel.

It doesn't matter will we see each other or not.
It matters how I challenge my faith and love on you.
I want to be a mercy, thankful and selfless angel for you also.
Thank you my sweet angel for your endless care and hope on me.

p.s. I would like to dedicate this song to Eveline's mam and dauther, beautiful angels ; myself, the desperate and broken heart 2002 to 2006 and all of my beloved friends.
Let's cherish our life and be the angel for our beloved one~
You should know that you're the angel actually, don't you?

Friday, 28 January 2011

Emptiness and form

Form is emptiness; emptiness is form.
Emptiness is not other than form; form is not other than emptiness.
Similarly, feelings, discriminations, compositional factors, and consciousnesses are empty.
These are important sentences from "Heart Sutra", if you have interest, please refer to

These are the main mantra mentioned in heart sutra:
  • Roman script: gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā
  • Devanāgarī: गते गते पारगते पारसंगते बोधि स्वाहा
  • Tibetan: ག༌ཏེ༌ག༌ཏེ༌པཱ༌ར༌ག༌ཏེ༌པཱ༌ར༌སཾ༌ག༌ཏེ༌བོ༌དྷི༌སྭཱ༌ཧཱ།
  • Pronunciation: ɡəteː ɡəteː paːɾəɡəteː paːɾəsəŋɡəte boːdʱɪ sʋaːɦa

  • May all beings rest in warm and peace mind.
  • p.s. It's so cold outside, I can't see any homeless people on the street as usual.
  • Does anyone know where they live or stay in such cold weather?

Wednesday, 26 January 2011


Question of today:
Do you believe people can digest each other in the world?

"If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were. " ~by Richard Bach~
Richard Bach

sexy life

Well, life is sexy......
If you open your heart and accept all kinds of possibilities and chances.
There shall be no limitation and no prejudices on people and life itself.
Sometimes the truth is so vivid and ironic and we just don't want to see the truth!
It's so easy to pretend everything is alright and live in the world and value that we believe it should be......our comfort zone......our comfort value and world......
What makes the differences between you and me, man and woman, rich and the poor, young and the old, crazy and the smart?
Think about that... and laugh at yourself for a tender and stupid smile......
What you fail in life, so what? Come on! Stand up and keep on going......Does it matters?
Life is sexy if you know how to love the sexy and be the sexy! hehe......
Right, sexy?
p.s. Hey, sorry to say, my definition of sexy maybe is different from yours, my dear......
Be happy! and Be sexy!


Mental Model

Power of the mind.
Our habitual behavior, value, education background and mind sets are the elements which directly affect our decision making.
If we realize that we're the person who has the power to set our mental model and control our mind and even others, how powerful we can be?

People who practice Yoga are the person who believes by controlling, challenging and training our body well, we can control and set our mind in peace stage. Well, maybe reach nirvana in the end even for a second or a life time.
Concentration on our focus and mind is an extremely powerful mechanism to practice in our daily life.
People who practice Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Mind Yoga are the people who tend to control their mental mode and naturally our body and physics is in its great shape.

Well, by careful observation our mind setting and behavior, it's scaring to know the truth that we're the person who has the power to change everything. We have no idea about who we are and what are we doing in our life. That's the reason why people is looking for secure, satisfaction, desire, money, power and sex. There is nothing wrong for focusing our life in a typical goal and trying to survive. But don't forget to balance our goal and personal training and practice in this short and eternal life time.

Use our body and mind in proper way. May all beings live in peaceful mind and far away from hunger and suffering. Be happy, my dear.

Tenzin Lahdon

My fathers people say at the birth of the sun and of her brother the moon. There mother died. So the sun gave to the earth her body from which was to spring all life... and he took forth from her breasts the stars. Stars he threw into the night sky to remind him of her soul.
A mental model represents a person’s thought process for how something works (i.e., a person’s understanding of the surrounding world). Mental models, which are based on often-incomplete facts, past experiences, and even intuitive perceptions, help shape actions and behavior, influence what people pay attention to in complicated situations, and define how people approach and solve problems.3 Perhaps most important to climate change communicators, mental models serve as the framework into which people fit new information.4

Monday, 24 January 2011

Today I realize that I have lost you~


#Episode 1# Nicaragua Coke
When dark comes, what attitude we shall have to face in our life time?
Yesterday on the way to school, I was desperate waiting bus for 30 mins under 15F in D.C.
There was a man came from Nicaragua who worked for Georgetown University in the repairment department.

We didn't talk much, but he smiled to me when I was complaining the weather and the delay bus.
On the bus, we were polite to each other and there was always a space between us.
When he took something from his bag, I was kind of worried and scared...
He smiled and asked me: "This coke is for you"
I didn't take it from the man who worked hard...soon, we said goodbye to each other.

I am not promoting coca cola or any commercial here. I just wanna share with everyone that "a smile, a good word and a blessing can be just as simple as the way to show that I love you, I care about you, I miss you and you are not alone."

We tend to focus more on ourself and forget to look around the beauty around us. The beauty of life itself!

#Episode 2# Yellow Powder
One time in the karma yoga volunteer work times, I served in the Kitchen daily.
Owing my dump skill of cutting, I cut my finger instead of cucumber.
There was a big deep cut and these was no sign of stop bleeding on my right index finger.
I ran to my kitchen teacher, the guy who was short and always had a very serious face.
He didn't talk to me at all...
He tried to look for something from the kitchen,,,a yellow powder..
He covered the yellow power on my wound and he started to chant...
He chanted the mantra I never heard in my life. He kept silence and quiet...
Finally he smiled to me and asked me to leave...
I don't know how people can heal the disease by chanting and blessing...
The swamiji he did and he succeed to heal my finger tip.
I have to say the power of healing comes from our heart and love.

#Episode 3#Steve and the guest
Yuki has been sicked for a week since she came to D.C.
Steve and Mel shared their secrete in their life and pointed this is the main reason why they are in health for the past 35 years.
Steve said:
Before you sleep, lie or sit on the bed. Close your eyes and vision your organs in your body.
If you see any wound, red, dark, heavy and tiredness parts.
Try to talk to your organ and guest who brought you the disease and unhappiness inside you.
Tell your guest, how much you respect them and how much you want to tell that please leave the house(your body) cause it's not the place belongs to them.
Slowly by slowly, the guest will leave and your body will recover soon.

There are so many ways to do the meditation and train our body and mind.
The secret is not the forms, the secret is the gentle, respect, tender, sincere, forgiveness and lovely way to face the enemy, guest, unpleasant people or incident in our life.
Treat them equal and give them a chance to leave.
If they don't leave, it's always easier for us to leave first!

Wish you all have a wonderful and sweet day. Treat your body, friends, beloved well and don't forget to take care of yourself also.

Friday, 21 January 2011

lychee Tree and I

Today is the tree day. It reminds me about the tree story and I.
I still have a tree in Bihar Yoga University and someone is taking are of me now still.
When I studied the Yogic Study Program in Munger, Bihar, India, volunteer can have a personal tree to take care of.
There was only one requirement, tree own needed to do one thing at least per day for your own tree.
It started the relationship between me and my tree.

My tree is a "lychee" tree and it is right next to Swamiji's personal temple.
These were some special relationship between my tree and I.
1. I tried to meditation under my tree like Buddha and it turned out I got musquito attached under the tree. I didn't concentrate totally and scare to sit on any insect or ants...
2. I lighted the insence, sang songs and talked to the tree daily.
3. I watered the tree daily and followed the clockwise direction few days a day.

Since I had a tree, I started to feel very close to nature and tree.
My tree in Ashram is a strong connection between me and myself, me and the nature itself.
We shall celebrate, respect and appreciate nature.
If we can't appreciate the nature, we couldn't appreciate our life and not to mention ourself.

Next time when you pass by a tree, try to talk to them and look at the beauty itself!
Just as you're the beauty itself!
p.s. I do appreciate that someone in the Ashram still is taking care of my tree.

Thursday, 20 January 2011


To take on anything, one must first be able to let go!

Monday, 17 January 2011

Be the one who supports and loves you!

Yesterday I had a great talk with my classmates. We're all expecting to see Scott and Winny's beloved daughter-Sophi princess comes to the world after few weeks.
I would love to mention Winny's talk that doctors in the hospital always like to ask her:
Are you with your bf? husband? friends? companion? parter? or the one who supports you?

I feel that it is very sweet to use the words- the one who supports you- as the best expression in relationship.

I hope everyone is happy, healthy and be with the one who supports you. Smile~
Chinese New Year will come soon in the following two weeks. The more closer the day, I am happy and excited to expect the coming Rabbit year.
It's always such a great and positive attitude to celebrate our present and be happy for everything.

Wish you all the best, my friends. Take care and smile!
Be with the one who loves and supports you.
Let's start from being the one who loves and supports your companion in life first!

Saturday, 15 January 2011


Hey all my dear friends,
Let's meet tonight under the water and have fun!

Tenzin Lahdon

Monday, 10 January 2011


你說對了 就是 "精進" 這二字

你更說對了 就是 "這一味" 僅佛法這一味 別無他味

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Happy Day!

Dear my friends,
Happy New Year!
These are my wishes for all of you...
Be Happy!
Be Positive!
Be Strong!
No expectation from beloved one, to give and not to get!
May all beings in safe and peace.
Wish you all the best!
How are you today?
p.s. Yes, I am back!