Hari Om
I used to have a dream to be a Chinese Herbal Doctor. I tried little bit for past few years and I still want to continue devoting myself and fulfill my dream of helping people.
I love Yoga, Tai-chi, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Buddhist.
By practicing and teaching Yoga and Taichi, I can improve people's health.
By serving as a Chinese Herbal doctor, I can save people's life.
By learning Buddhist, It's the "mind" medicine for the people whose disease comes from it's heart. So, maybe I can ease and soften people's mind.
I always know that I am a lucky person who have opportunities and chances to know all great master.
What I really need to do is focus, focus and focus.
What kinds of contribution I can bring to the world?
1.5 meals a day, a small room, a hard tatami bed, a small table and a simple life is what I used to have.
I know myself well but it's hard for me to be brave to see who am I.
So, Shall we move on our life with enlightened spirit?
We shall not complain about the present, past and the future. Cause our history is in our hand. We're the person who write the history and we have to take full responsible for it!
Tell me about your dream and what do you want to bring to the society and the world.
Actually, this are reasons why I respect and look up you!
I have long ways to go.
Hari Om Tat Sat!
P.s. How do you think about the game theory and the life!
Are we all in the same game or we both playing each role in different games and happen to exchange our card once in a life time?